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Dried Longan


Longans, also known as “dragon’s eye”, are long considered by the Chinese to help promote better sleep and nurture the heart due to their rich nutritional value. These dried longans make a convenient snack with a unique taste!

Serving size: 100 g
Per Serving / 100g
Energy 325kcal*
Protein 4.9g
Total Fat 0.0g
– Saturated Fat 0.0g
– Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 0.0mg
Carbohydrate 76.3g
– Total Sugar 62.4g
Dietary Fibre 3.2g
Sodium 5.5mg
*1kcal = 4.2kJ

Snack on these nutritious dried longan as is or cook with white fungus and red dates to make Chinese dessert soup.

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